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When might spousal support be appropriate in an Oregon divorce?

When might spousal support be appropriate in an Oregon divorce? Spousal support comes in three differing types. Maintenance spousal support, which is the most common form of spousal support that's intended to allow the receiving spouse to enjoy a lifestyle not overly disproportionate to that enjoyed during the marriage when practical. The other two forms of spousal support are compensatory spousal support, which is basically to say, pay the other spouse back for some manner of investment, say in that spouse's education or training that allows them to continue to be a much higher wage earner than they might not have been without the marital relationship. The other form of spousal support is transitional spousal support, which is allowed to allow a receiving spouse in order to gain, say, education, training, something to increase their value or allow them to reenter the workforce.

Maintenance spousal support is the most common form of spousal support. It's still based on equitable principles, so it's very difficult to tie down an actual number until you know, some of the other facts of the case are their children. Will there be a child support award? Is there going to be a rather large property award, say property that generates income? All can have an impact on spousal support. Generally, if you see a large disparity in income and a medium to longer range duration of marriage, you're going to see some manner of spousal support. Spousal support is always modifiable. Whenever there's been a significant and unanticipated change in financial circumstances since the time of the last award.