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- Michael Jove
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- Olivia Raymond-Williams
- Timothy Downin
- Laura Pride
- Shanni Moore
- Eryn Sisson
- Jeannette Cordova
- Kailey Maginnis
- Teena Quichocho
- Zulema Cornejo
- Alysa Long
- Christy Carpenter
- Lisa Parsons
- Sarah Bain
- Kari Landerholm
- Steve Altishin
- Elena Konzelman
- Danielle Crockett
- Stacia Durst
- Rachel Woleben
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Portland, OR
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- High Asset Divorce
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- Parenting Time/Visitation
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- Self-Employed Business Owner Divorce
- Step Parent & Independent Adoptions
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Divorce & Family Law
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- Nuestro Equipo
Ley de Familia
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- Custodia de Hijos Para Padres Solteros
- Custodia de Niños
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Planificacion Patrimonial y Legalización de un Testamento
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- Preguntas Frecuentes Sobre el Divorcio
- Preguntas Frecuentes Sobre la Custodia de Hijos
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- Categories
- 2025
- December
- November
- October
- September
- August
- July
- June
- May
- April
- March
- February
- The Benefits of Establishing a Trust for Your Business or Family
- Tips For Coparents Who Have Children Struggling to Sleep In Two Households
- The Importance of Estate Planning: Protecting Your Family's Future
- What Goes Into An Adoption Home Study, and How Can You Prepare?
- How Does Wage Garnishment Work?
- 2023
- December
- November
- September 2022 Colleague Appreciation Award Winner- Elena Konzelman
- Estrategias para romper el ciclo de reacción al divorciarse de una personalidad de alto conflicto
- Strategies to Break the Cycle of Reaction When Divorcing a High-Conflict Personality
- Cómo vestirse y comportarse en la corte para una audiencia
- How to Dress and Behave in Court for a Hearing
- Why You Should Avoid Social Media After a Car Accident
- August 2022 Colleague Appreciation Award Winner- Steve Altishin
- The Power of Words: Book Recommendations to Help Children Cope During a Divorce
- Firm Named by Oregonian as a Top Workplace in 2022
- Important Differences Between Oregon and California Divorce Laws
- Zulema Cornejo Wins July 2022 Colleague Appreciation Award!
- Conducta desaprobatoria que debe evitar en los casos de custodia
- Actualización: Viajes de aerolíneas nacionales y fecha límite de cumplimiento de identificación de Oregón Real ID
- What You Should Include in a Prenuptial Agreement?
- Maria Del Rosario Wins June 2022 Colleague Appreciation Award!
- Disapproving Conduct You Should Avoid in Custody Cases
- Pacific Cascade Legal Recognized on the 2022 Inc. 5000 List!
- Questions to Consider When Looking Into Divorce
- Update: Domestic Airline Travel and Oregon’s Real ID Compliance Deadline
- Tips for Telling Children About Divorce
- Cómo utilizar la alfabetización del sistema nervioso para convertirse en una mamá empoderada
- July
- June
- May
- 10 Things to Know About Premarital Agreements Before Tying the Knot
- What is Mediation, When Should You Consider it, and How Can You Prepare?
- 10 preguntas que debe hacerse antes de iniciar un caso de adopción por terceros
- Is a Will the Same as an Estate Plan?
- ¿Cómo pueden los padres de crianza conjunta apoyar a los niños que tienen problemas en dormir entre dos hogares después del divo
- March
- February
- Supporting a Child Through Addiction: How Divorced Parents Can Create Helpful Structures for the Struggling Child
- Harnessing Your Personal Power to Reclaim Control in Divorce, Separation, & Co-Parenting Situations
- Bufete abre nueva sucursal de bancarrota
- Firm Opens New Bankruptcy Branch
- Can I Do My Divorce Myself?
- Reingreso a la fuerza laboral después del divorcio como educador
- Re-Entering the Workforce Post-Divorce as an Educator in Oregon
- Navegando por las dificultades de los derechos de custodia y visita de abuelos y terceros de Oregón
- Navigating The Difficult Landscape of Oregon’s Grandparent and Third-Party Custody And Visitation Rights
- El bufete les da la bienvenida a dos técnicos legales con licencia limitada al equipo de Washington
- Firm Welcomes Two Limited License Legal Technicians to Washington Team
- ¿Cómo se abordarán o dividirán las patentes en un caso de divorcio?
- Preparing for Divorce Heading Into the New Year
- How Will Patents Be Addressed in a Divorce Case?
- Hábitos diarios preventivos para implementar este otoño para ayudar a protegerse de la "tristeza del invierno"
- ¡La temporada navideña está sobre nosotros! 3 consejos sobre cómo ser padres de crianza conjunta cordialmente
- Basics of Holiday Custody
- Preventative Daily Habits to Help Ward Off the “Winter Blues”
- Helping Your Children Survive the Holidays After a Divorce
- A medida que el año llega a su fin, ahora es el momento de revisar su plan patrimonial
- Los factores más importantes para determinar los pagos de manutención de hijos
- As The Year Comes to an End, Now Is the Time to Review Your Estate Plan
- Obstáculos para la crianza conjunta: volver a la normalidad de las actividades extracurriculares de los niños
- The Most Important Factors for Determining Child Support Payments
- Keys to Holiday Co-Parenting
- Co-Parenting Hurdles: Getting Back into the Swing of Children’s Extracurriculars
- Utilizar acuerdos prematrimoniales y posnupciales para generar confianza, reducir conflictos y ahorrar dinero
- School Schedules and Child Custody
- Utilizing Premarital and Postnuptial Agreements to Build Trust, Reduce Conflict, and Save Money
- 10 preguntas frecuentes sobre las leyes de la división de propiedad en Oregón
- August
- July
- 5 Things to Expect from an Attorney-Client Relationship
- ¿Cuáles son los requisitos para crear un testamento legalmente válido?
- What Are the Requirements to Create a Legally Valid Will?
- Cómo tratar a su ex como un socio de negocio y elegir la cooperación sobre el conflicto
- How to Treat Your Ex Like a Business Partner & Choose Cooperation Over Conflict
- Vender su casa antes, durante o después de un divorcio: una lista de un agente inmobilario de lo que debe y no debe hacer
- Comprensión del descubrimiento del divorcio: por qué es importante, qué compartir y cómo su equipo legal puede hacer toda la dif
- Selling Your Home Before, During or After a Divorce: A Realtor’s List of Do’s and Don’ts
- Are You Familiar with Our Firm's Client & Professional Partnership Referral Program?
- April
- March
- How Does Divorce Impact Business Ownership?
- Estrategias para comunicarse con un excónyuge de alto conflict
- 4 errores perjudiciales que podrían sabotear el caso de custodia de su hijo
- Important Things to Know About Washington State Parenting Plans
- Strategies for Communicating with a High-Conflict Ex-Spouse
- Consejos para mantenerse positivo durante la tristeza del invierno
- January
- December
- November
- Divorcio de Familias Militares: Cómo se Diferencia de un Divorcio Tradicional y Qué es lo Que Necesita Saber
- 6 Kid-Friendly Ideas for a Socially-Distanced Halloween
- ¿Qué es la Distribución Equitativa?
- Oregon Divorces Involving Military Families: How They’re Different and What You Need to Know
- How and When Non-Parent Relatives Can Get Visitation with a Child
- ¿Qué es un Acuerdo Postnupcial?
- Qué esperar de Una Evaluación de Caso de Pacific Cascade Legal
- Washington Divorces Involving Military Families: How They’re Different and What You Need to Know
- ¿Puedo obtener una anulación en Oregon?
- Derechos de los Padres Solteros: Custodia de Hijos, Manutención de Hijos, y Tiempo de Crianza
- Unmarried Parents Rights- Child Custody, Parenting Time & Child Support
- Ideas Creativas Para Motivar a Los Niños a Medida que se Aproxima la Educación en Línea
- La Firma se Encuentra en la lista Inc. 5000 de las Empresas Privadas de Más Rápido Crecimiento en el 2020
- Creative Ideas to Motivate Children as Virtual Learning Looms Ahead
- La Firma gana premio de “Best Family Law” en el concurso de “Best of the Willamette Valley 2020 Contest
- ¿Qué efecto tiene el estatus migratorio en un caso de derecho de familia?
- How Does Immigration Status Impact a Family Law Case?
- Deconstruyendo el proceso de divorcio: Preparándose para un resultado favorable y duradero
- Errores de Crianza que Debe Evitar
- 5 caminatas aptas para niños en Oregon este verano
- Firm Ranks in Inc. 5000 Fastest Growing Private Companies of 2020
- Avoid These Parenting Pitfalls! Strategies to Protect Your Child’s Mental Health During Lockdown
- Do You Qualify for an Annulment in Washington?
- La Abogada, Cambell Boucher, recibe reconocimiento de Super Lawyers Rising Star
- Special Needs Estate Planning: Preserving Your Disabled Child’s Public Benefits and Maintaining Their Quality of Life
- ¿Cuál es la etiqueta adecuada en la sala del tribunal?
- Programas de cuidado de niños para padres con audiencias
- Associate Attorney, Cambell Boucher, Receives Super Lawyers Rising Star Recognition
- Divorce in Your Golden Years
- 5 Kid-Friendly Oregon Hikes to Tackle This Summer
- What is a Power of Attorney in Washington State?
- Deconstructing the Divorce Process: Preparing for a Favorable and Lasting Outcome
- Firm Win’s “Best Family Law” in Best of the Willamette Valley 2020 Contest
- ¿Alguna vez ha considerado las consecuencias de no tener un plan patrimonial?
- Should You Consider Therapy During a Divorce?
- Las familias con planes de volar a nivel nacional deben conocer la fecha límite de REAL ID de Oregón
- Pautas y etiqueta para apariciones remotas en el tribunal
- 11 Guidelines for Court Remote Appearances
- Como comunicarse efectivamente con su abogado
- The Alarming Consequences of Not Having an Estate Plan in Place
- When Should You Revise Your Will or Trust?
- The Four Main Reasons Why You Should Have an Estate Plan
- Infidelidad y divorcio en Oregón
- How Much Does Social Media Matter During a Washington Divorce?
- ¿Como puede apoyar su hijo adulto durante su divorcio?
- Oregon’s Real ID Compliance Deadline and Domestic Airline Travel
- A COVID-19 Update for All Oregonians
- ¿Tiene que ser un millonario para tener un plan patrimonial?
- Washington Protective Orders Available During Covid-19
- Why Case Evaluations Are Important for a Family Law Matter
- Do Marriage and Divorce Constitute the Need for New Wills?
- Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation – How it Works
- Relief Options for Small Business Owners Affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Si es víctima de violencia doméstica, hay ayuda disponible
- ¿Califica para el programa de alivio de pago de préstamos estudiantiles?
- CARES ACT Paycheck Protection Program - What You Need to Know
- ¿Puede seguir con su caso de ley familiar a pesar de que los tribunales están cerrados?
- ¿Quién lamenta más el divorcio? ¿Hombres o mujeres, y por qué?
- Everything You Need to Know About the Student Loan Payment Relief Program Prompted by COVID-19
- Domestic Violence Increases Due to COVID-19 Part II: How the Court Can Help
- Domestic Violence Increases Due to COVID-19 Part I: How to Protect Yourself
- Un resumen sobre la manutención conyugal de Oregón
- The Importance of Caring for Your Mental Health Amidst Uncertainty
- Divorcio simplificado en Oregón: ¿Quién califica?
- How Can You Support Your Adult Child Through Their Divorce?
- Not Sure How to Explain COVID-19 to Your Children? Here Are 7 Tips to Reduce Panic and Promote Confidence
- Have You Set Up an Estate Plan? Here Are the Reasons Why You Should.
- Creative and Educational Ideas to Entertain Children at Home
- Our Role and Responsibility in Navigating Through COVID-19
- February
- January
- December
- November
- October
- September
- August
- July
- June
- Signs You're Growing Apart from Your Spouse
- Tips for Effectively Co-Parenting During Summer Schedules
- Safety Tips for Memorial Day Weekend
- Appreciating Your Children's Teachers Year-Round
- Protecting Your Relationship While Renovating Your Home
- Mother's Day Ideas When the Kids Are Gone
- Spend Time with Family at Portland's Cinco de Mayo Fiesta
- April
- Should You Hire an Attorney for Your Divorce Mediation?
- Bid Farewell to Your Divorce with a Celebration
- Kid-Friendly Spring Break Ideas in Portland
- What Is Proper Courtroom Etiquette?
- Modifying Parenting Plans for the New School Year
- How to Travel with Kids as a Divorced Parent
- What Is a FAPA?
- How Divorce Affects Children of Different Ages: Grandchildren
- How Divorce Affects Children of Different Ages: Adult Children
- How Divorce Affects Children of Different Ages: Adolescents
- How Divorce Affects Children of Different Ages: Elementary
- How Divorce Affects Children of Different Ages: Preschool
- How Divorce Affects Children of Different Ages: Toddlers
- How Divorce Affects Children of Different Ages: Infants
- Pacific Cascade Law Promotes Two New Partners
- Practicing Self-Care for Family Wellness
- January
- New 2019 Spousal Support Tax Reform
- 5 Tips for Successful Step-Parenting
- Positive and Negative Aspects of Divorce During the Holidays
- Creating New Holiday Traditions After a Divorce
- What is a Postnuptial Agreement?
- Is a Prenuptial Agreement Right for You?
- How to Get Along with Your Ex After Divorce- Part 2
- How to Get Along with Your Ex After Divorce- Part 1
- Holiday Family Fun in Portland
- How to Financially Prepare for Divorce
- Pros and Cons of Unlimited Separation
- What is Unlimited Separation?
- Differences Between a Will and a Trust
- 5 Types of Abuse that Should Never be Ignored- Social
- 5 Types of Abuse that Should Never be Ignored- Financial
- 5 Types of Abuse that Should Never be Ignored- Sexual
- 5 Types of Abuse that Should Never be Ignored- Emotional
- 5 Types of Abuse that Should Never be Ignored- Physical
- First Holidays After Divorce
- 5 Ways to Combat Seasonal Depression
- What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?
- Advice That Can Hurt Your Divorce- Part 2
- Advice That Can Hurt Your Divorce- Part 1
- Is it Okay to Date During a Divorce?
- What is a Status Quo Order?
- Benefits of Therapy During a Divorce
- How to Handle the Holidays with a Split Family
- Attorney Lauren Barnhart to Speak at AFCC Conference in Denver
- Grey Divorce—What Issues Commonly Arise?
- Grey Divorce—What is it and What’s Causing It?
- Divorce Myths
- 6 Classic Halloween Films to Watch With Your Kids This October
- How Mental Illness Affects Divorce
- 3 Reasons You Should Avoid Self-Representation in Divorce
- New Oregon Spousal Support Modification Statute
- Tips for Safe Trick-or-Treating
- How Do I Serve My Spouse With Divorce Papers?
- Pacific Cascade Law Ranked #62 by Law Firm 500 Fastest Growing Law Firms of 2018
- Tips for Making Back-to-School Adjustments Easier for You and Your Children
- September
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Video Center
- About Our Firm
Family Law
- What Types of Family Law Cases Does Pacific Cascade Legal Handle?
- What are retainers and why do they vary from case to case?
- Can you serve legal papers if you don’t know where your spouse is?
- How does the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act impact spousal support?
- What can you do if your ex is refusing your parenting time?
- What is the Discovery process?
- How to execute an uncontested divorce in Oregon
- How To Prepare For An Oregon Child Custody Case
- Pacific Cascade Family Law Introduction
- How to decide between sole custody and joint custody
- How to divide retirement accounts and assets?
- How to move to a new state if you are the custodial parent
- When and why should I use an Oregon custody evaluation?
- How to account for a business owned by your spouse in a divorce
- What does it mean when you “get half of the marital estate”?
- How to tell your kids you are getting a divorce
- How to financially prepare for a divorce if you have no personal income
- How to determine your spouse is hiding assets during Oregon divorce proceedings
- How to manage your Oregon divorce case without full legal representation.
- How to ensure that you receive a fair divorce settlement
- How to properly account for “real property” during divorce.
- How to begin the process of filing for divorce in Oregon
- How to properly determine spousal support during divorce
- How to modify your Oregon child custody agreement
- How to request a restraining order in the event of domestic violence
- How to properly determine child support during an Oregon divorce
- How to develop a parenting plan
- How to assert your parental rights as an unmarried parent
- How to modify your Oregon divorce agreement.
- How to modify your Oregon child support agreement
- How to respond if your ex-spouse stops making child or spousal support payments.
- How to dissolve a domestic partnership in Oregon
- What does the term "no fault" mean in an Oregon dissolution?
- What are the differences between joint and sole custody?
- What does making an equitable distribution mean in a divorce in Oregon?
- How is child support determined in Oregon?
- How do you functionally divide retirement in an Oregon divorce?
- What is a power of attorney in Oregon?
- How should you account for your retirement account in an Oregon divorce?
- What are the differences between custody and parenting time in Oregon?
- How long does an obligated parent need to continue to provide child support in Oregon?
- What is the difference between legal separation and divorce in Oregon?
- When might spousal support be appropriate in an Oregon divorce?
- Does infidelity affect spousal support rewards?
- What is a prenup and when should you consider it?
- When is the best time to modify a parenting plan?
- Do you have parental rights if you have not established paternity?
- What are the legal requirements for an annulment?
- How do you qualify for a divorce in Oregon?
- What are the ramifications of not paying child support?
- What are the factors that determine parenting time schedules?
- How long might you end up paying or receiving spousal support?
- What is the relationship between payment or non payment of child support and parenting time?
- What is a no-fault dissolution?
- When might spousal support be modified or terminated?
- Does it matter who files for divorce first?
- Can a parent move out of state with children post divorce?
- What can you do if your spouse threatens to take the kids?
- When is it appropriate to hire an attorney for your children?
- What is probate?
- Can you adopt a child in a different state?
- When is a custody evaluation necessary or appropriate?
- What happens if you die without a will?
- How long does it take to complete an adoption?
- Do the same laws apply with same sex couples as they are dissolving their partnership?
- Will other states recognize your same sex marriage?
- Can your spouse adopt your child?
- Can a biological parent revoke consent once an adoption is complete?
- Can men get a restraining order?
- As a grandparent, do you have visitation rights?
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